Fantastic achievement by the Suir Engineering MSD Brinny Project Lion team who recently received Contractor of the Month for the THIRD time for a programme that has only been running for 9 months. We have now been awarded Contractor of the Month for the months of February, May and September. PM Group carry out the audits of contractors on site throughout the month and assess them on all aspects of site works from PPE compliance, housekeeping, safety working procedures to SPA Quality, SOR Participation to Site Documentation. During the past few months Project Lion has transitioned from demolition contract to new build to now commissioning. During these phases Suir Engineering have continued to raise the bar on site and lead the way in site safety. Well done to the Suir Engineering Site Team – well deserved for all their hard work and effort.
Suir Engineering Contractor of the month for 3rd Time MSD Brinny