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Sand Art Initiative - Are You OK Today

Suir Wellbeing Initiative

The Suir Wellbeing team recently visited Killmurrin Cove in Co. Waterford to create a message in the sand for our work colleagues, family, friends and local community.

The team hit pause and took time out to create a special message in the sand with sand artist, Sean Corcoran recently. The aim of the initiative and message is to encourage more people to take a step back, take in their surroundings, be more aware and take notice of the people around you.

The idea behind the initiative is to ask each other 'Are you ok?' and to encourage people to get out and be active for their Mental Health.  David Phelan, Business Development Director at Suir Engineering quoted "We are  aware of the pressures that come with every day life and want our people to feel like they have somewhere to turn. It's important that we do our best at work but even more important that we do our best at home, turn up for the people who need us the most and enjoy the small things in life that make you feel well and  healthy".

We believe by encouraging simple actions in everyday life, we can  help our employees to feel good, function well and look out for one another.

Please click here to view our Sand Art video


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